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Africa Spirituality

Our intention is to bring Traditional (ISESE) into light. Tradition has been passed orally, folklore, secretly,, shared rituals and sacred wisdom . Isese, by its nature, is operative and result-oriented

. it has stood the test of time for a reason. IT IS REAL, IT WORKS, ITS OUR GIFT FROM OLODUMARE

Our goal is to provide you with variations , education, products and rituals that will create measurable positive change in your life. Weave your own traditions, listen to the whispers of your ancestors and allow yourself to discover a new life path. IFA WILL MEND OUR BROKEN WORLD

This is the shortest, most intense, and more direct route to understanding yourself. you are more than welcome to keep your religious path and ideology .we are not here to preach religion , we don't judge, we don't gate keep, we believe in you. We believe making peace with the world begins from within. we believe in Orisas and our ancestors. We don't provide medical or psychiatric advice . OGBO A TO, ASURE IWORI WOFUN.

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Africa Spirituality


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Obatala 101 ( the god of creativity)

Yoruba other names for Obatala includes Orisa ala, Orisa alaso funfun, Orisa nla, Obanla, Obatarisa. He is the Orisa with the white clothes. He is the great king . It’s through the Oriki ( cognomen)...

Egbe Orun (comrade of heaven)

Egbe Orun otherwise called the comrade of heaven is an association of both the young and the old in heaven. They called Abiku or Emere in some cases.One of the features of the Abiku is...


One important tradition in Yoruba culture is the Esentaye ceremony. This is a ceremony that is performed between three days of a childbirth to determine the future undertakings of a child after birth. At this...


Firstly... Esu is not Satan or devil.He is a messenger of Olodumare.  The owner of the crossroads. The one at the beginning and the end. The one in front and at the back. He is...


Yoruba attributes qualities like humans to the divinities and the spirits to whom offering are made. Nobody would offer gifts to a being that cannot feel, sense, see, hear and share human emotions. So, therefore,...


A snake climbed a coconut tree with hardshipIfa divination was performed for Olayinka Orolu the citizen of Agboye.she would like to have a smooth life and progress in all her endeavors.Ifa told her to be...

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